About Leslie Johnsen

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So far Leslie Johnsen has created 120 blog entries.

Stay tuned for events in Spring 2023

Forsway will be participating in a host of events:
- Satellite 2022, Washington D.C.: March 14-16 (Forsway will be on-site during the expo for meetings)
- CabSat Expo, Dubai: May 16-18 (Forsway exhibit together with KenCast: Booth S2-E41)
- CommunicAsia, Singapore: June 7-9 (Forsway with be on-site during the expo for meetings)
Stay tuned for details!

Wrapping up 2022!

2022 has been a year full of activity, thanks to our strategic partners and dynamic team. New innovations and partnerships have boosted the Forsway offering providing operators with the market’s only viable concept for rolling out for easy to deploy, cost-efficient satellite broadband services to underserved demographics. Read more:

Satellite Evolution: Can the satellite industry really bridge the Digital Divide?

The Digital Divide has created a real inequality and division when it comes to accessing information and resources. With satellites becoming popularly understood as a key turning point in the struggle, we spoke to landmark connectivity providers at Forsway, as well as a foremost expert on the subject in Waheed Adam, Board Member at the Mobile Ecosystem Forum.

Connected Britain: ISP start-up XtndNet features innovative solution that delivers 50 Mb broadband to underserved UK and Irish users

XtndNet will showcase their solution for rural and under-connected users at Connected Britain 2022. XtndNet offers a hybrid service that combines ADSL, mobile data, and satellite to bring high speed internet to rural locations in the UK - customers a

Forsway introduces its next generation of satellite terminals, Forsway Odin F-60 and Odin F-60 Pro

Forsway announces its next generation of satellite terminals. Produced by strategic manufacturing partner, Zinwell, the new Forsway Odin F-60 and Odin F-60 Pro terminals will be available in Q1 2023 and will succeed the F-50 model. Previews of the new terminals will be available during IBC Expo, Sept. 9-11, Amsterdam.

Forsway förstärker styrelsen, tar in industriveteraner från telekom och global kapitalanskaffning

Forsway förstärker styrelsen, tar in industriveteraner från telekom och global kapitalanskaffning Göteborg, 2022-05-25: Forsway, en svensk leverantör av bredbandslösningar som kombinerar satellit- och telekomnät, har utsett två nya styrelseledamöter. Karin Thurberg och Siebren de Boer tillför väsentlig kompetens för Forsways globala tillväxtstrategi. -"Vi är mycket glada att välkomna Karin Thurberg och Siebren de Boer [...]

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